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Putting the school admissions process online

Aim: The project is establishing a route map that Local Education Authorities (LEAs) can use to put admissions applications online. It will define best practice and core standards for online admissions. Liaising with LEA suppliers, the project will also develop a set of specifications to enable LEAs to undertake rapid procurement of online admission systems.

Project outcomes:

Specific products and services that the project aims to deliver include:

By September 2006 all LEAs, as a minimum, need to offer: online applications via transactional e-forms for all transfer groups; an email facility to deal with queries throughout the admissions process; links to other relevant web sites; and online information/help on the admissions process.

It is anticipated that some LEAs will also offer extended online admissions services such as appeals, in-year admissions, and a distance measuring service from home to school.

The eAdmissions National Project is working closely with the Pan London Schools Admissions Project.

Project partners: The project is led by Hertfordshire County Council.

Project status: Development phase.

Key contact: Amanda Derrick, Programme Manager. Tel. 01992 588526 Email: [email protected]

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